Generate Symbol

Lucent engineers wanted to build and edit symbols using a text entry form, this facilitates automatically adding a special pin_order property required by their custom simulator. This first form obtains the component and symbol name. Also required is the number of pins or an existing mgc pinlist file (as would be the case when editing and existing symbol). If invoked from a schematic scope the a pinlist file is automatically generated using the existing ports.

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Clicking the Advance Options button pops up this form and allows specifying the shape, size, etc. attributes.

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This form is built on the fly based on the number of pins specified in the first form, or if an existing pinlist file was used then this form is also preloaded with pin names etc. Note the pin order field is automatically generated or updated to reflect the pin, bus or bundle width. Upon execution the symbol is built and opened for edit. Additionally all Lucent custom properties are derived and added.

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